Thursday, November 5, 2009

The country i chose which name is Iraq I am interested in this country because almost everyday I saw in the TV and news paper about this country's problems. also it is related with the US power. I want to know sending the military in this country, US want to show their power or something else. thats why i Want to know more from research projec about relationship between two countries.

So far based on my reading and knowledge i think the US show their imperial power to IraQ.


  1. Ok Bina, good start. Obviously, you're going to find a lot about Iraq from both newspaper and academic sources, so you want to think about how to focus your topic: what information would help you support the idea that this is an imperial relationship?

  2. I think by you picking iraq is a risky topic but i loved that you picked it!
    i think you can find lots of articles on iraq and some articles that have different views on the war and the people who commit suicide!
    Good start!:)

  3. yes you are right. now i am realy confused that what should i write about htis country.

  4. I dont know if to laugh or cry but good job.
